About teaching in groups with English language learning in 2017-2018 academic year

About teaching in groups with English language learning

Chair «Computing systems and Software»

 Preparation of bachelors is carried out in English language on a specialty 5В070300- «Information systems» from 2008. Lessons are conducted by the leading teachers of   the chair «Information Systems», 2 of which the candidate of technical sciences, one of them  c.t.s.  doctor and another 3 Masters of Information Systems.


A list of subjects and staff of the Department " Information systems" of the leading classes in English


Name of teacher

Academicdegree, rank, position


Basic, additional education


Botaeva S.B.

c.t.s., associate professor

  • Design of information systems
  • Designing Database
  • Software economic information systems
  • Architecture of computer systems

Basic: Economic informatics and automation, KazGAU 1993.
Optional: courses "Senior", 2012; LC UKGU 2014 (№325)


Kurakbaev S.D

c.t.s., assistant professor

  • WEB design
  • Computer calculations
  • Mathematical Economics of IP
  • Information Systems in Business

Basic: Economic Cybernetics, UKGU 2001
Optional: kursyLTsYuKGU 2007 (№65); «Interlinc», 2010 (№452); «Salemcocialvillage», 2014 (№225)


Ashirbekova R.N

master, teacher

  • Computer calculations
  • Mathematical Economics of IP
  • Information systems in business
  • Design of information systems

Basic: Mathematics-Informatics, UKGU 2007 Optional: courses "Bilim" 2013 (№121), «Salemcocial Village», 2014 (№211)


Mugalbekova A.A

master, teacher

  • WEB design
  • The architecture of the computer systems
  • Database design
  • Software of economic information systems

Basic: ENU Informatics 2011.
KGTiIU Information Systems 2013
Optional: «Hightime» Courses 2015 (№235), «Hightime», 2016 (№356)

A list of educational-methodological literature and professor-teacher composition of the Department of «Information systems», who leads subjects in English

Name of authors

Name of educational-methodological literature

Types of educational-methodological literature


Kurakbaeva S.Z

Ashirbekova R.N

IP business (DB / HF)

The collection of lectures


Botaeva S.B.

Xu-WenTsen B.A

Architecture of computer systems

Methodical instructions













Information about teaching in groups with English learning ofthe Department of «Automation,telecommunications and management»

Preparation of bachelors in English of specialty 050719-«Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications» is carried out since 2009.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the following subjects will be carried out in English forthe group ИП-14-5а. There are «Elements and devices of automatics»,  «Electronics»,  «Programming automations». This year classes are conducted by leading teachers of the Department  «Automation,telecommunications and management», they are 3 candidates of technical Sciences:c.t.s., associate professor Tasanbayev S., c.t.s., associate professor  Balabekova M., c.t.s., senior teacher Sarybayev A.,and 4masters of «Automation,telecommunications and management»: master, teacher Amirbekova A.,master, senior teacher Kocherova A.,master, senior teacher SatbayevaZh.,master, teacher Umbetov A.

A list of subjects and staff of the Department "Automatization,telecommunication and control" of the leading classes in English

Name of teacher

Academicdegree, rank, position


Basic, additional education




Sarybayev A.

c.t.s., senior teacher

  • The theory of transmission of electromagnetic waves
  • Mathematical modeling of communication systems and telecommunications
  • Systems and mobile and fiber-optic communication device
  • Elements of Automatics
  • Systems and devices of sound and television broadcasting


Basic: Automation and telemechanics,  TashPI, 1985 y. Additional: courses in LC SKSU, 2009 y. «InterPress», 2012 y.




Tasanbayev S.

c.t.s., associate professor

  • Thetechnology of digital communication
  • Applied Information Theory
  • automation tools and research in communication systems
  • Reliable telecommunication systems
  • Methods for modeling of chemical-engineering processes
  • Modeling and identification of control objects


Basic: MTKZ., 0638 – Automation and complex mechanization, construction engineering, electro mechanic,1973 y.

Additional: courses «Salem», 2016 y.




Balabekova M.


c.t.s., associate professor

  • Digital communication andmicroprocessor  electronics
  • Electronics
  • Database


Basic: KazCTI., ATPandP - 360140, at automation,1992 y.\

Additional: courses «Salem», 2016 y.


Amirbekova A.



  • The theory of transmission of electromagnetic waves
  • Mathematical modeling of communication systems and telecommunications
  • Systems and mobile and fiber-optic communication device
  • Systems and devices of sound and television broadcasting

Basic: KazATU named by S.SeyfullinRET 2008 y., ENU named by L.Gumilev, master of ATC 2010 y.

Additional: courses «Infinity», 2008 y.


Satbayeva Zh.


Senior teacher

  • Transfer Theory
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Mathematical modeling of communication systems and telecommunications
  • Systems and devices of sound and television broadcasting
  • Applied Information Theory
  • Multi-channel transmission system

Basic: ATPandP – 360240 SKSU, 2007, Automation and control SKSU 2013

Additional: courses «High time» 2013




Kocherova A.



Senior teacher

  • Transfer Theory
  • electromagnetic waves
  • Mathematical modeling of communication systems and telecommunications
  • Systems and devices of sound and television broadcasting
  • Applied Information Theory
  • Multi-channel transmission system

Basic: Automatics and control, KUPS 2011.

Additional: courses «Salem», 2013 y.



Umbetov A.



  • The technology of digital communication
  • Modeling and identification of control objects
  • Mathematical modeling of communication systems and telecommunications
  • Multi-channel transmission system
  • The technology of wireless communication

Basic: RET, SKSU, 2014 y.

Automation and control, SKSU, 2016 y.

Additional: courses «High time» 2016

A list of educational-methodological literature and professor-teacher composition of the Department of «Automation,telecommunications and management», who leads subjects in English

Name of authors

Name of educational-methodological literature

Types of educational-methodological literature


Sarybayev A., Kocherova A., Satbayeva Zh.

The collection of lectures on discipline «Systems and devices of sound and television broadcasting» for students of specialty 5В071900 “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunication”. Shymkent: SKSU, 2016.

The collection of lectures


Sarybayev A.,Amirbekova A., Kocherova A.

The collection of lectures on discipline «Digital devices and microprocessors» for students of specialty 5В071900 “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunication”. - Shymkent: SKSU, 2016.

The collection of lectures


Sarybayev A., Kocherova A., Satbayeva Zh.

Methodical instructions to labs works on discipline «Systems and devices of sound and television broadcasting» for students of specialty 5В071900 “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunication”. - Shymkent: SKSU, 2016,.

Methodical instructions


Sarybayev A., Amirbekova A., Kocherova A.

Methodical instructions to labs works on discipline “Digital devices and microprocessors ” for students of specialty 5В071900 “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunication”. - Shymkent: SKSU, 2016.

Methodical instructions

About teaching in groups with English language learning

Chair « Computing systems and Software »

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the Group SP-13-6a, 14-6a-SP, SP-15 and the curriculum are conducted classes on subjects - Models and methods of management, Information Security Fundamentals, Fundamentals of game theory and operations research, Expert and intelligent systems, Java programming language, and PHP, database management system. Classes are - Professor Ospanov A.O, c.t.s, associate professor Musabekov L.M, c.t.s., senior lecturer Dausheeva N.N, senior lecturer Nyshanbaeva F.U., senior lecturer Tarasova R.N

A list of subjects and staff of the Department " Computing systems and Software " of the leading classes in English



Name of teacher

Academicdegree, rank, position



Basic, additional education




Musabekov L.M


c.t.s., Associate Professor

  • Programming languages Java
  • Object-oriented programming


Basic: Kaz HTI 1995, 2103, ACCI, Automation Engineer

Additional: courses “International language Centres”, 2012; lC UKGU, 2015




Ospanova A.O


c.t.s., Associate Professor

  • Foundations of control theory

Basic: KazHTI 1973, 3606-AIKM CTP.

Additional: courses «lC», UKGU 2006




Nyshanbaeva ZH.U

Senior Lecturer

  • Mathematical Logic (Logic Theory)
  • Discrete mathematics
  • Computer Graphics

Basic: SPI ICGS them. A.Yassaui 1994 0101 Mathematics - informatics.

Additional: courses LC UKgU 2015, Inter pess 2014.




Dausheeva N.N



  • Foundations of Information Security

Basic: Kaz HIT 1979, 0639-AIKM CTP engineer automation

Additional: courses «Білім», Excellence. 2014




Uatbaev M.



  • Programming languages Java
  • Technologies of  Programming

Basic: МУИТ  ВТиПО  2013г.



Tarasova R.N


Senior Lecturer

  • Technologies of  Programming
  • Foundations of control theory
  • Database Management System  

Basic: Kaz HIT 1988, 0639-AIKM CTP automation engineer,

Additional: courses Senior  2013.г. № 999, LC UKGU, 2015



Баймусаева А.Б.



  • ICT

Basic: ҚazNTUim. K.Satpaev 2005, 3704, Computers and Software,

Additional: courses LC UKGU, 2015



Жапбаров С.А.

Ф.-м.н.к.,               ст.преп.

  • ICT

Basic: Tomsk State University 0103, Applied MathematicsAdditional: courses LC  UKGU, 2015.

A list of educational-methodological literature and professor-teacher composition of the Department of «Computing systems and Software», who leads subjects in English

Name of authors

Name of educational-methodological literature

Types of educational-methodological literature


Nyshanbaeva N.

Computer graphics

For students 5B070400- CS and SW

Methodical instructions


Tarasova R.N

Data Base Management System

For students 5B070400- CS and SW

Methodical instructions


Musabekova L.M

Empirical Methods in Computer Science

For master degree 5B070400- CS and SW

Methodical instructions


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