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Materials on the career-oriented work of the Higher School of Information Technologies and Energy
Materials on the career-oriented work of the Higher School of Information Technologies and Energy
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Dean of the High School candidate of tech. sciences, docent Shertaev Erman Telmanovich Address: Tauke Khan 5, Building 4, SKO Shymkent, room 608 Phone: 8(7252) 21-19-69 e- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Deputy Dean of High School "IT&E" for Academic and Educational Work Imanbaeva Aigul Baratovna Address: Tauke Khan 5, Building 4, SKO Shymkent, room 608 Tel: 8(7252) 21-19-69 |
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Deputy Dean of High School "IT&E" for Research working and Innovation Tileuov Gamidulla Esbolovich candidate of tech.sciences Address: Tauke Khan 5, Building 4 SKO Shymkent, room 607 Tel: 8(7252) 21-19-69 |
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Deputy Dean of High School "IT&E" for Social Affairs and Educational work Nurmagambet Sayan Doszhanovich Address: Tauke Khan 5, Building 4, SKO Shymkent, room 607 Tel: 8(7252) 21-19-69 |
General information
The faculty «Information technology» works from 1962 when the department «Automation of chemical production» was found in the Kazakh Chemical Technological Institute (KazChTI) and students were admitted for the specialty «Automation and complex mechanization of chemical technological production». At first the department was in the mechanical faculty. In 1982 the department «Automated system management» was separated from the department «Automation of chemical production» and in 1989 the specialty «Chemical cybernetics» was found. From 1982 to 1988 the faculty «Automation and refrigerating engineering» and in 1991 «Chemical technology and cybernetics» were organized in the KazChTI.
In 1997 there was officially found the faculty “Information Technologies and Automated Systems” (FITAS). In 2002 there were 5 specialties in this faculty, to the existing 3 specialties were added “Computer science” and “Power engineering”, in 2 years there were found one more specialty “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”. During more than 50 years history there were graduated about 5 thousand higher educated specialists, 82 candidates of science and 10 doctors of science by the faculty on 8 specialties.
In actual fact all the chemical enterprises of Shymkent and Tarazwere provided with engineers on automations who were the graduates of the faculty, as well as in the banking and information systems. More than half of the programming engineers of the Shymkent enterprises are our graduates.
Since 1997 the faculty “Information Technologies and Automated Systems” was headed by PhD, professor Eskendyrov Sharypzhan Zakhanovich.
Since 1999-2001 the dean of the faculty was PhD, associate professor Bymenov Myrzagaly.
Since 2001-2004 the faculty was ruled by PhD, professor Umbetov Umirbek.
Since 2004-2008 the dean of the faculty was PhD,professor Turmambekov Torebay.
Since 2008-2009 the faculty was headed by PhD, associate professor Medetbekova Ryskul.
Since 2009-2019 the faculty was headed by PhD, associate professor Besbaev Gani.
Since 2020 the faculty is ruled by candidate of tech. sciences, docent Shertaev Erman Telmanovich.
In 2012 the faculty was renamed as “Information Technology”. The staff of the faculty is consisted of the RK NAS academician, 11 PhDs, 47 associate professors and candidates of science, 4 honored workers of Higher Schools and 4 best teachers of the RK higher institutions conduct scientific work with the students and postgraduates.
At the present time 1122 students are taught and 525 ones from them are taught on the basis of the state grant.
According to the program “Bolashak” students and postgraduates are taught in the higher schools of the USA, Malaysia and Turkey. 12 students of the faculty were awarded Presidential scholarship for an excellent knowledge, an active participation in social life and scientific activities of the faculty.
At that moment the faculty prepares specialists on the specialties of 6B06140- “Mathematical and computer modeling”, 6B07110- “Automation and Control”, 6B06130-“Computer engineering and software”, 6B06120- “Information systems”, 6B07151-“Power engineering”, 6B07140-“Heat power engineering”, 6B06210- “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”.
Educational process is based on the advanced scientific, technical and pedagogical concepts, involving fundamental hysicalandmathematicaltrainingand the use ofinnovative informationtechnology in the departmentsofthe faculty.
The features of the specialties
6B06140 Mathematical and computer modeling
Apprenticeship: 4 years
Qualification: bachelor of automation and management
Practice sphere: the graduates are trained for the work in the area of automation, electronic communication development and management in the technical systems connecting with the use of the means and methods of information processing for managing in all the spheres of the production.
The object of the graduates’ practice is automated technological processing of different productions, automated information systems for different purposes, automatedsystemsfor receiving, processingand transmitting data for different purposes, automated design systems and automated training systems of different productions.
6B07110 - Automation and Control
Duration of training : 4 years
Qualifications: Bachelor of automation and control
Practice Areas : Graduates are prepared for work in the field of automation , computerization and management of technical systems related to the use of means and methods of information processing for control in all production is reconciled .
The object of professional activity of graduates is automated process control systems of various industries , automated information management systems for various applications, , automated system for receiving, processing and transmission of data for different purposes , automated design systems , facilities, units , automated technological preparation of production of various industries.
6B06120-Information systems
Apprenticeship: 4 years
Qualification: bachelor of information systems
Practice sphere of the graduates is industry, science, education, culture, health service, agriculture and state administration.
On this specialty there are trained specialists working out, implementing and exploiting information systems in the different regions, in particular: in mechanic engineering,inmetallurgy, in transport, in telecommunications, in science and education, in public health service, in agriculture, in service industries, in administrative management, in economics, in business and administration by different technologies.
6B06130-Computer engineering and software
Apprenticeship: 4 years
Qualification: bachelor of computer engineering and software
Practice sphere of the graduates is state and private enterprises and organizations working out, implementing and taking advantage of computer engineering and software in different regions. The graduates of this specialty hold positions of state and private enterprises and organizations in mechanic engineering, in metallurgy, in transport, in telecommunications, in science and education, in public health service, in agriculture, in service industries, in administrative managements, in economics, in business and administration. It prepares programmer engineers for data-processing centers on the operation of software tools, on working out new systems and platforms.
6B07151-Electric power industry
Apprenticeship: 4 years
Qualification: bachelor of electric engineering
Practice sphere is a field of science and technics which includes complex technology, facilities, ways and methods of human activities directed to the creating conditions for productions, transmission, distribution and consumption of electric power industry.
The specialist conducts technical service and quality control of functioning, mastering, upgrading and improving performance ratio of electric power plants and substations, electric systems and lines, relaying power enterprises of agriculture, non-traditional and resuming power supply, power mechanics, power isolated and cable technics, power technological devices and system, lighting engineering and power supplies, power transport, power equipment of transport facilities, electro drive and automation of technological complex.
6В07140-Heat power engineering
Apprenticeship: 4 years
Qualification: the bachelor of heat power engineering
Practice sphere is heat power engineeringas a component of technics which includes sets of means, ways and the methods of human activity created for generation and application of heat, management of its streams and transformation of various energytypes to heat. The places of employment can be thermal power stations; industrial and heating boiler-houses; centralized and independent power supply of the industrial enterprises and the organizations;
Bachelors can hold primary positions of younger scientific employees, laboratory engineers, engineersof research establishments, thedesign organizations without presentation of requirements to the experience of work, technics of 1 category and other positions.
6В06210-Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications
Apprenticeship: 4 years
Qualification: the bachelor of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications
Practice sphere is an area of a science and technics which includes a set of technology, facilities, ways and methods of human activities, directed on creatingthe conditions for information interchange on distance, transformations of the information by means of electronic devices.
According to this specialtythere are preparedengineers on a radio engineering, automatic communication, mobile communication of a wide structure; the electricians serving electronic systems; the specialists working in the sphere of telecommunications (telephone and radio communication, TV)
Information can be received by phones:
The dean of the IT&E high school, candidate of tech. sciences, docent Shertaev Erman, Tel.: 8(7252) 21-19-69
The head of the department «Automation and Control» PhD, docent Musabekov Akhmetbek Akhilbekovich, Tel.: (7252) 30-14-12
The head of the department «Computer engineering and software» Associate professor, docent Axmetova Sabira Tastanovna, Tel: 8(7252) 30-14-12
The head of the department «Information Systems and modeling» PhD, associate professor, docent Iztaev Zhalgasbek Dulatovich,Tel: 8(7252) 30-05-88
The head of the department «Energy and non-conventional energy systems» PhD, docent Turymbetova Gulzuhra Dzhorabekovna, Tel: 8(7252) 30-12-76
The head of the department «Foreign languages for technical specialties» PhD, docent Makulbek Azamat Bolatbekovich Tel: 8(7252) 30-12-76
The head of the department «Information communication technologies» PhD, associate professor Jusupbekova Gulzat Turysbekovna, Tel: 8(7252) 30-05-88
The moderator of the IT&E High school Aidarova Tanzhuldyz Nuralyevna, Tel: 8(7252) 21-36-53.
The general information
There is a number of the departments of foreign languages teaching functioning at 75 years anniversary Mukhtar Auezov South Kazakhstan State University. The department “Foreign languages for technical specialities”, established in 1955, has more than semicentennial history. In the times of the Soviet Union, being a structural division of the Kazakh Chemical and Technological Institute, the department obtained solid experience and achieved considerable success. Since foundation the department was headed by the following candidates of Philology: R.M. Kim, N.F. Sokolskaya, H.T. Ospanova, G.K. Karbozova, A.B. Makulbek. Each of them has contributed the own mite and left an appreciable mark in the history of the department.
Nowadays the department is successfully applying modern innovative methods and techniques of foreign languages teaching in the educational process. The educational activities of the department correspond completely to all the international requirements. Thus seven specialities of the faculty of Light and food-processing industry in 2008 and four specialities of the faculty of Information technology in 2010 successfully passed the International accreditation by the German centre of accreditation ASIIN (Accreditation Agency specialized in accrediting degree programmes in Engineering, Informatics, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics). The German experts highly appreciated the work of the staff and students and their level of knowledge of the English and German languages.
The activities on establishment of the international contacts are the key points of these considerable achievements of the department. Thus the assistant professor Hadisha Ospanova, being the head of the department, won the grants on some international programs and had a five-month course in the states of Illinois (1997) and Ohio (2002) of the USA, in addition she took an active part in the work of a methodological seminar in the city of Wales (Great Britain, 2005); the senior lecturer Bibi Daribayeva had the courses of pedagogical skills improvement in the city of Monpelye (France, 2000); the candidates of Philology Gulnara Karbozova and Moldir Shoymanova had a scientific study placement at Cambridge university (England, 2010); the senior lecturer Yryskul Izbasova successfully participated in the seminar on improvement of professional skills in the city of Freiburg (Germany). The acquired knowledge and skills are successfully applied by the teaching staff in the process of teaching and education of the younger generation during academic and extra-curricular studies.
The actual head of the department the candidate of Philology Azamat Makulbek is paying much attention to the creative search, considering development of professional knowledge and skills of the staff as the basis of art of teaching. During the current academic year owing to the initiative of the head of the department the methodological seminars of a different level, including the seminars with participation of domestic and foreign lecturers (native speakers) were held. Studying and generalization of the international experience on application of modern effective methods and techniques of foreign languages teaching were the key points of the organized seminars. In May a two-day seminar devoted to the improvement of professional skills of teachers of the Southern Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with participation of the representative of DAAD Yan Boem (Berlin), the Ph. Doctor, professor of Kentucky University Miranda Stuart (USA), the Ph. Doctor of Creighton University Lydia Cooper and other leading foreign experts, was organized at the University.Senior lecturer of the department “Foreign languages for the students of technical specialities” Shymyrbekova Aigul took her higher education internship training activities at the School of Education at the University of Leicester from October, 2014 to March, 2015 by the theme: Educational Management.
The objective of the research internship program was to enhance knowledge in increasing the access to various digital learning opportunities in order to meet the learning styles of millennial students which would allow teaching institutes to stay at the learning edge of education technology development that enables self-management learning.
According to the principle of teaching and education unity, the teaching staff of the department tries to develop not only the communicative efficiency and competence of students in the course of academic studies, but also organizes and holds various activities of educational orientation, such as “conversations”, “round tables”, “competitions”, “debates”; in addition assists the orphan’s homes of Shymkent city in all-round development and education of their inmates.
The senior teacher of this chair Konanova Anar Esirkepkyzy has won the national competition of pedagogical projects in the period of 18 July till 30 August in 2016. It was organized by Embassy of France in Kazakhstan and she was invited to pass pedagogical training in Linguistical Centre of Stendal University city Grenoble (France).
Senior Teacher of the department of "Foreign languages for technical specialties" Yryskul Izbasova visited the city of Gennigsdorf, Germany September 17-30, 2017. Under the leadership of Y. Izbasova group of 10 students aged 14-17 years-old worked on an international project and won a 14-day trip to Germany.
Senior teachers from the Chair of Foreign Languages for Technical specialties at High School IT and E Aitbekova Zh.N., Baidabekova M.S., Mambetova G.T., Tomarbayeva S.T., Kudasbekova A.B. have attended “The Belt and Road” National Talent Training Base Project at Beijing University of Chemical Tecnology (BUCT), one of China’s leading universities.
The traineeship was during 03.06.2018 – 17.06.2018. The project included research discussion, campus and lab visiting, lectures presentation and cultural visiting. The aim of this project is to attract high-level and outstanding talents from our university to study, exchange and train in Beijing in future, develop and enhance mutual understanding and awareness between two sides.
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