The Chair of “Information and Communication Technologies” was opened in 2017,on the basis of the chair of “Computer science”. Over the years,the chair of “Computer science”was, associate Professor M.M.Medetbekov, c.p.s., associate Professor I.D.Iztaev, in 2018 head of the Chair of c.p.s., senior lecturer Jussupbekovа Gulzat Tyrysbekovna.

The staff of the Chair "Information and Communication Technologies"
The associate professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, M.M.Medetbekovwas awarded with a breastplate "Y.Altynsarin" for a significant contribution to education and upbringing of the younger generation.
Under the leadership of Medetbekov M.M.was completed the research of the grant project on the theme "Creation of multimedia programs for education in Kazakhstan in the field of geoinformation technologies" (2015-2017).
In 2013,c.p.s., head of the Department G. T. Jussupbekovawas trained of improvement of qualification at the Polytechnic University of Valencia(Spain).
The purpose of the course "Information and communication technologies" is to provide students with skills, skills and basic knowledge of working with information and communication tools for the modification, creation, application and analysis of information models of specific objects and processes, as well as teaching other subjects. The program aims to build students' understanding of the role of information processes in the society, their technical capacities and the perspectives of using the ICT tools in various activities.
The discipline «ICT» educates students about the principles of technical safety during computer work, responsibility for observance of legal and ethical norms of information activity and is aimed at mobilizing collective work during project work.
In the course of the course "ICT" the students acquire the following skills:
- Computer concepts, modern technologies and their role in society;
- searching, storing, processing, storing and transmitting information in various forms using information and communication technologies;
- Developing, analyzing and modifying the model of specific systems and events using different software applications, as well as implementing their ideas;
- Development of logical, algorithmic, systematic and critical thinking skills through different tasks;
use of ICT tools to communicate, exchange information and interact with each other;
The department spends classes in the specialized educational laboratories equipped by computer engineering, which is used in educational process and scientifically - research job of the students.

The plans for the future
To introduce in educational process new technologies of training, active and interactive methods of training.An effective usage system of management of quality in administrative, educational, methodical, scientific, unbringing and formality of activity.