Power and nonconventional power systems - TS

The head of the chair «Energetics and renewable energy systems»

Turymbetova Gulzukhra Dzhurabekovna

Doctor PhD, Associate Professor

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Electrical machines

For master students

Special Questions in Electric Power Supply

Hydrogen energy technologies

 For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Batkaev Iskandar Ibrahimovich

Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants;

Heat and Mass Transfer;

Modes of  Work and Operation of Thermal Power Plant Equipment;

Superchargers and Heat Engines.  

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Iliasov Ramil Machmydovich

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Theoretical bases electrical engineers

 - part I, II, III;

For master students

Scientific and technical problems of electroenergy

Changing devices in electrical energetics 

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sakhmetova Gulmira Edilovna

Doctor PhD, Associate Professor

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Introduction to Speciality

For master students

Modern Energy Saving Technologies in Electric Power Industry

Teaching Methods of  Special Disciplines

The innovation technologies in resourse saving in electrical energetics    

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Uralov Baidulla Kidirbaevich

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For master students

Electromechanical and Electrotechnical Systems of Autonomous Objects

The methodology of the experiment  

The modelling electrical machines    

Scientific and technical aspects in design of automatic control systems for electric drives

Information technologies in electric power industry

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ovchinnikov Victor Anatolievich

Senior Lecturer

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Electrical machines

Management in the Electric Power Industry

Electrical Equipment of Industrial Enterprises

Management System Autonomous Sources of Electric Energy

Design of Electrical Technology Equipment of Renewable Energy Sources

Energy saving and renewable energy sources

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Korabaeva Korlan Zamanbekovna

Senior Lecturer

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Theoretical bases electrical engineers

 - part I, II, III;

Electrical Engineering and Electronics   

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ilyasova Karlygash Urmatullayevna

Senior Lecturer

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Physico-chemical methods  preparation of water

Technical Thermodynamics

Fluid and Gas Mechanics

Theoretical  Bases of Thermal Engineering

Steam and Gas Turbines and Installation of  Thermal Power Stations 

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dzhumagulova Kazyna Seytkhanovna

Senior Lecturer

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Electrical Machines of Thermal Power Plants

Electrical apparatus in power supply

Electrical machines

Energy Saving and Renewable Energy Sources

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kulmakhanova Ilfa Kuzhakovna

Senior Lecturer

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Electrical Equipment of Industrial Enterprises

Energy Audit

Designing of Systems of Electric Power Industry

Control Systems of Electric Drive


For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Chimkentbayeva Roza Makashevna

Senior Lecturer

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Electrotechnical Materials

Energy saving in the electric power industry 

Industrial Electronics

Electrical apparatus in power supply

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Apsemetova Aizhan Turetayevna

Senior Lecturer

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Digital Measurement Technology

Unconventional and renewable energy sources

Theoretical Foundation of Electrical Engineerig

Relay Protection and Automation  of    Power Supply Systems      

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Tokenov Nurmakhan Pernekhanovich

Master's degree, Senior Lecturer

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Electric Drive Basics

The power converting device

Electric Devices in the Electric Drive

Theory of Automated Electric Drive

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Faiz Nursultan Saparovich

Master's degree, Senior Lecturer

The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Mathematics and Computer Simulation in the Electric Power Engineering

Electrotechnological Installation

Electrical Machines

Power Stations and Substations

Cable Technology

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tokaev Bakhytzhan Tlevbekovich


The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Design of Electrotechnological Equipment  of Industrial Enterprises

Control Systems of Electric Drive


Electrotechnological Installation

Electric Drive Engineering

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shinibekova Raihan Altynbekovna


The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Introduction to Speciality

Digital Measurement Technology

Theory of Automated Electric Drive

Cable Technology

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Beisenova Gulayna Bakhtiyarova


The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Electrical Machines

Theoretical Foundation of Electrical Engineerig I

Electric Drive Engineering


For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nauryz Bauyrzhan Kusaiynly


The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Special Questions of Fuel Combustion

Support Equipment of  Thermal  Power Plants

Electrical Machines of Thermal Power Plants

Sources and Systems of Heat Supply 

Heat Exchange Processes and Devices

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Korolkov Andrey Vitalievich


The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Digital Measurement Technology

Energy Audit

Theoretical bases electrical engineers

 - part I, II

Electrical Equipment of Industrial Enterprises

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Ordabek Asem Kuatovna


The teacher conducts lessons in the following disciplines:

For bachelors

Modes of  Work and Operation of Thermal Power Plant Equipment

Boiler Installations and Steam Generators

Heat and Mass Transfer

Introduction to Speciality

For correspondence: Shymkent,

Avenue Tauke Han-5,

 SKU named after M.Auesov , the buiding  “G”,  502.

Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  




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