The purpose and objectives of education program by specialty 6B06150 – information communication technology and security:
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1. The purpose and objectives of education program by specialty 6B06150 – Information and communications technology and security:
The goal is to train competent, stable IT specialists in the labor market who are able to design, implement, manage information and communication systems, ensuring the security of resources for the sustainable development of the information space.
EP Objectives:
- formation of socially responsible behavior in society, an understanding of the significance of professional ethical norms and adherence to these norms;
- providing basic undergraduate training that allows you to continue learning throughout life, to successfully adapt to changing conditions throughout their professional career;
- providing conditions for acquiring a high general intellectual level of development, mastering literate and developed speech, a culture of thinking and the skills of scientific organization of work in the field of information and communication technologies;
- creation of conditions for intellectual, physical, spiritual, aesthetic development to ensure the possibility of their employment in the specialty or continuing education at subsequent levels of education.
1.2 List of qualifications and positions
The graduate of this EP is awarded the degree of "Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the specialty Information and communications technology and security".
Bachelors in the specialty 6B06150-ICT and S can hold primary positions: information security engineer, information security specialist in key information infrastructure systems, information security specialist without presenting requirements for work experience.
In accordance with the qualification requirements of The qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the order of the Minister of labor and social protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated may 21, 2012 No. 201-o-m. Registered with the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on June 25, 2012 No. 7755.
Graduates can also work as an information security engineer for information and communication systems, a security specialist, a security officer, an information security auditor, an information security specialist, and a data Encryptor in accordance with the NPC RK-01-2017. List of activity groups related to the it industry (with levels).
1.3 Qualification characteristics of the educational program graduate
1.3.1 Scope of professional activity
The sphere of professional activity of graduates is public and private enterprises and organizations that develop, implement, and use computer technology and software for information and communication systems in various fields of economic activity.
The field of professional activity of graduates is the study of systems for threats and vulnerabilities, development, implementation, monitoring, security and maintenance of information and communication systems.
1.3.2 Objects of professional activity
The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the bachelor's program in the specialty ICT and B are information processes, computer systems for secure information processing and management, technologies, systems and networks, their instrumental (software, technical, organizational) support, methods and methods of design, production and operation of information and communication systems in the context of information security.
1.3.3 Subjects of professional activity
Subjects of professional activity of the bachelor are:
- computers, complexes, systems and networks;
- computer systems for information processing and management;
- computer-aided design systems;
- software of computer equipment and information systems (programs, software systems and information systems).
1.3.4 Types of professional activity
A bachelor by specialty 6B06130 - Information and communications technology and security can perform the following professional activities:
- analysis of software requirements for information and communication systems
- design software and hardware for information and communication systems;
- operation of operating systems and operation of information and communication systems;
- software implementation of development systems tasks;
- administration of systems and computer networks;
- testing software systems;
- maintenance, technical support of software systems;
- integration of software modules and software components;
- provision of software and hardware protection;
- commercialization of ICT services.
- EP learning outcomes
PO1 Knows and applies legislative and regulatory acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international standards and methodological materials for ensuring information security, the main elements of the key system of the information and communication structure;
- Demonstrates natural science, mathematics, socio-economic, engineering knowledge and practices in an interdisciplinary context the solution of problems of receiving, processing and transmitting information in information systems, web space, skills of theoretical and experimental research;
- Designs and plans processes in the developed information and cyber systems, databases, computer networks, analyzing the requirements of balanced protection;
- Successfully transforms the requirements for the functioning of the ICS into an architecture that defines the structure and composition of its components, describes them, interfaces between them for subsequent coding, implementation, testing, and maintenance;
- Defines and keeps up-to-date the security policy of the subject area, justifying the choice of standards, modern operating systems and hardware, tools for programming languages, cryptography, network technologies, implements software for ICS, mobile devices, and the web environment;
- Demonstrates the skills of managing the work process when evaluating the stability, performance of information and intelligent systems in the specified functional characteristics and compliance with the quality criteria of information and communication systems;
- Effectively applies threat prevention technologies, data mining, network security, database protection schemes, servers, mobile devices, and ensures workplace security based on vulnerability research and statistical information;
- Manages the information security process, integrates software components, optimizes data structures, security settings in systems, and implements tasks in the programming languages of system and application software for information and communication systems and networks;
- Ensures the functioning of systems by analyzing the results of monitoring the processes of existing systems and software and hardware, develops proposals for improving security measures based on the principles of preventing unauthorized actions;
- Determines the prospects for the development of methods and software and hardware protection against destructive information impacts, using the achievements of science and technology in the country and abroad in the field of technical intelligence and information protection;
- Able to write, verbally, and electronically build communications in the state, Russian, and English languages in the professional environment and society, and draw up special documentation on systems for ensuring the functioning of systems and protection;
PO12 Demonstrates analytical thinking and entrepreneurial qualities, responsibility when working within a team at all stages of design and implementation, the ability to solve non-standard tasks based on system analysis, and the desire to improve their skills.