Youth entrepreneurship is a modern trend

Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev declared 2019 the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan and gave specific instructions to the Government, together with business and national companies, to develop and support youth entrepreneurship. In accordance with the instruction, large-scale work is being carried out in the country to develop various sectors of youth entrepreneurship, stimulate and support young people.

British businessman Richard Brenton says: “Most people live well and are happy with things. But if you want your life to be active and breathtaking, try becoming a businessman. Learn the art of creating your own business. It's like learning the art of making mistakes and learning from them”.

In order to implement the above state policy, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken” together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan this year organized courses on the basics of entrepreneurship for high school students and students of higher educational institutions. These courses were also organized and conducted at our South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezova, in which specially trained university teachers gave lectures on the basics of entrepreneurship for older students.

Teachers of the Higher School "Information Technology and Energy" Ismailov H.B. and Batyrbekov A.A. passed a special course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" and from November 6 to 23 conducted training sessions for 3rd year students of higher education. During the training, students were given knowledge about the basics and types of business, the preparation of business plans and applications for loans or grants. Students were very active and shared their business ideas.

We hope that the knowledge gained will allow students to open their own business, as well as develop their professional skills.



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