Training seminar on prevention of domestic violence

April 17, 2019 in the student hostel №3 lecturer and students of the Department "Computer engineering and software" took part in a training seminar on the prevention of domestic violence. At the seminar were: inspector Karatau district of the city of Shymkent on the prevention of family violence Toichieva Bibinur Turdievna, a psychologist of the regional center of formation of healthy lifestyle Mametova Gulmira Togaibaevna, as well as chief specialist of center for psychological assistance SKSU M. Auezov Bairova Ayzat Duisenbaykyzy.

The seminar reveals the most pressing problems of our society - domestic violence. It is aimed at developing professional competence in legal education of children and familiarity of teachers and students with positive strategies of education of children. Speaker Toichieva B. T. gave the following figures: According to the General Prosecutor of Kazakhstan, in Kazakhstan increased statistics of violence against women. In 2016, criminal offenses in the family increased by 2.8%, in 2017 the growth was 4.7%. In comparison with 2015, crime against women and children has increased by 90%! Thus, physical punishment and domestic violence are the most accessible means of education in the family and in society.

Psychologist Mametova G. T. showed the audience a set of exercises to overcome psychological fears and nervousness.

Psychologist Bairova A. D. talked about the fact that every student may appeal in case of any psychological problems to the counseling center of University.

The training seminar was interesting and useful for all those present.



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