On November 10, 2018 in the regional social and political newspaper "Ontustik Qazaqstan" №179-180 (20632) published an article on the topic " Information society - future of nation " about the event " Рухани жаңғыруда ақпараттық қоғамның дамуы” organized by the department "Information and Communication Technologies" SKSU named after Auezov. Main goal is to contribute to the upbringing of the younger generation as a citizen with a rich spiritual world. The event was attended by the heads of departments and teachers of the IT and E Graduate School. voiced patriotic songs. "Yes, as you know, the 21st century is a century of information, mankind needs computer literacy. In the Dictionary Implemented Bilateral Translation. Nazarbayev in his Address noted that "modern education for modern youth is very important"