The head of the government in his message to the people of Kazakhstan “Growth of the welfare of Kazakhstan: to increase of incomes and quality of life”, paid special attention to reforms in education and science, as well as areas of information technology.
The message noted that the development of education and science will be the main force in the development of the country's economy. “In the future, it is necessary to conduct fundamental research in such areas as alternative energy, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain,” said the President.
Dean of the Higher School "Information Technologies and Energetics" Besbaev Gani Abzelbekovich in the Republican newspaper "Tauelsіz Kazakhstan"(“Independent Kazakhstan”) shared with the initiatives, goals and objectives of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov on the threshold of the 75th anniversary, as part of ongoing government reforms. The full text of the article can be found in the number of the newspaper №21 (49) from 10/31/2018.