01.29.2015 year students of ИП-12-4k1 (curator Buribekov A.) held an open curatorial hour on the topic " Қасым хан Жәнібекұлы " dedicated to the 550th anniversary of Kazakh Khanship. Student Zhanshora Izet made a presentation about the history of the formation of the Kazakh Khanship. Serik Imanaliev told about life Қасым хан Жәнібекұлы. Culmination moment of lesson was to discuss the sets of rules called "Қасым ханның қасқа жолы ", which became an important instrument for the determination of the state and are relevant to this day.
At a public session attended by teachers of the department Romanenko A.F., Kulmahanova I., Turymbetova G., Nyshanbaeva J. and others.