An open curatorial hour on " Фариза Онгарсынова – қазақ поэзиясының падишасы"
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- Hits: 264
December 22, 2014 during the session, the group ИП-13-4k2 held an open curatorial hour devoted to the 75th anniversary of the poetess Fariza Ongarsynovoy on " Фариза Онгарсынова – қазақ поэзиясының падишасы". Among the guests were the dean Higher School Besbaev GA, teacher of "EaRES": Berdalieva A.A., Kulmahanova I.K. and others. In the open lesson, students read their favorite poems from collections Fariza Ongarsynovoy. A student Yermakhan Batyrkhan read a poem Fariza Ongarsynovoy, which is devoted to young people. This event provided a charge of positive emotions to students and teachers during stressful exams.