The program, "Rukhanı Zhangyru" perfomed 2 years!

The program of the First President of  RK N.Nazarbayev " Rukhanı Zhangyru " covered all spheres of society. This year  performed 2 years the creation of this initiative. In this regard, on April 10, 2019 at the Higher school of "Information technologies and energy" with the participation of the Deputy of Turkestan regional maslikhat,  doctor of technical Sciences, Professor  L.T.Tashimov, head of the project office Ph.D., associate Professor G.A.Zhanysbekov, the Dean of the High School G.A. Besbaev, heads of departments of higher school and students were conducted lectures on the program " Rukhanı Zhangyru perfomed 2 years!". At the lecture, after reviewing the activities carried out for 2 years, the Dean of the HS G.A.Besbaev noted that large-scale work was carried out and what plans are available in the future. In addition, the staff and students of the HS asked questions and shared their thoughts. The Deputy of Turkestan regional maslikhat, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor L. T. Tashimov answered these questions with bright impressions. Head of the project office Professor G.A.Zhanysbekova wished the staff and students of higher school " Information technologies and energy " success in further activities to revive the spiritual consciousness of the society. At the end of the word, the senior lecturer of the Department of "Computer science and software"  Zh.U.Nyshanbayeva offered to give her blessing to the Deputy of Turkestan regional maslikhat, Professor L. T. Tashimov for the staff of the HS "ITE" and the younger new generation. The lecture was very interesting and fun!


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