The organization of research work of students in the conditions of reforming of system of the higher education
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31.01.19 at 20 o'clock in the student residence No. 3 the meeting with students there was held by living. Students of 1-4 courses of various specialties gathered. The meeting was held by the senior teacher, Candidate of Technical Sciences in Technological Sciences Berdalieva A. A. "Energy and renewable energy system" chair.
It was told about interesting opening in science and technology, that we live in very interesting time of opportunities that dealing with the interesting problems, and studying this area deeply, it is possible to come to interesting conclusions, can be even to opening, bring the contribution in development of science in the field of the chosen specialty.
At each department there is scientific student's organization. During study from the 1st course it is possible to choose a subject of scientific research, the research supervisor and to be engaged in it until the end of training, to write and publish the articles not only in university editions, but also in republican and international magazines. For carrying out researches at university all conditions are created, there are laboratories, for access to scientific information: there is the richest library, the reading room with a possibility of work in the Internet with the international database of scientific research.
Results of research works are annually discussed at the student's conferences held at the level of the higher schools and university. Following the results of a conference the best scientific works participate in republican competitions of student's works. Dear students, surely participate in research student's works, circles - the road to the interesting world of science, a profession, receipt to a magistracy and many vital progress.