Regeneration:75 years,75-stages

09.27.18. Senior teachers of the department "Foreign language for technical specialties" Ashimova T.S., Egemberdі A.A. held a round table on the topic “Rouhanizagyru: 75-zhyl, 75-beles” with students of the group ChT- 18- 1k, 1a. During the lesson, the topics were covered: “Moral and moral qualities”, “How to modernize the public consciousness?”

Conclusion: Modernization of the public consciousness, according to the President, will not only complement the modernization already begun in the country - political and economic, it should become their core. The point is that Kazakhstanis need to learn differently, to think more progressively, to look at things from a different angle, and then there will be a chance to increase the country's welfare. The other one - of course, it is important to understand that he chose them from hundreds of others and chose those that, in his opinion, are most suitable for Kazakhstan today, and now they need to be properly used. "If the people of Kazakhstan judge the world from the windows of their houses, then you cannot see which storms are moving in the world, on the mainland or in neighboring countries. You cannot see the forests behind the trees, you cannot even understand the external springs, which sometimes make us seriously change approaches, "says NursultanNazarbayev.


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