International scientific Conference "Lomonosov - 2016"

Dear students!

We invite you to participate in the XII- th International scientific conference of students, graduates and young scientists "Lomonosov -2016" which will be held on the 15-16-th of April, 2016, in the branch of M. Lomonosov MSU (in Astana).

To participate in the conference are invited students, graduate students and young scientists under the age of 35 years on the recommendation of supervisors.

If the work is done in co-authorship, each of the authors must follow “the requirements to the participants of the conference”.

Co-authorship with the supervisor is not allowed, but he may be thanked in a note.

Registration fee for the conference participants is 3000 tenge. Students in the presence of certificate or copy of student card do not pay the registration fee. Undergraduates and teachers pay the registration fee on these details after confirmation of acceptance of abstracts for publication. Abstracts of the XII International scientific conference of students, graduates and young scientists "Lomonosov - 2016" will be published.

The winners of the conference will be awarded with diplomas of I, II and III degree.

Attention to graduate students! Within the conference holds Universiade for senior students and graduates of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Winners of Universiade and the Conference will receive a recommendation for admission to the Master's of Kazakhstan branch of the Moscow State University.

Organizing Committee determined the order of the Conference:

April 14 - arrival of participants.

April 15 - from 10.00 till 17.00 h. - plenary meeting, work sections, exhibitions, presentations.

April 16 - from 14.00 to 17.00 - the closing ceremony, summing up, the award winners.:

- XII International scientific conference of students, graduates and young scientists "Lomonosov - 2016";

- II Student Research Competition of Kazakhstan branch of the Moscow State University by M.V.Lomonosov;

- Universiade for senior students and graduates of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Students, graduate students and young scientists who want to participate in the conference:

- Go to the conference page on the website

- Fill in the application form;

- Download the thesis report, the appropriate requirements for registration;

- Download file graphic images used in the thesis;

- Upload, review the recommendation of the supervisor or the University administration (University) signed and sealed;

Details: Kazakhstan Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University, FAO "Bank CenterCredit" Astana, IIC - KZ028560000000092301, BIC - KCJBKZKX, BIN - 001241003752, KBE 26.

These materials must be submitted until March 15, 2016

The organizing committee reserves the right to competitive selection of participants for the thesis statement. Conference proceedings will be published in a scientific publication, the method of direct copying. Organizing Committee does not bear the expenses for travel, accommodation and meals for participants and mailing of conference materials.

The branch has the ability to settle wanting in the dormitory, the number of places is limited. The organizing committee may also offer a place to stay in a hostel or hotel at the expense of the participant.


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