New generation – New innovation

According to the program "Nurly zhol" on November 24 to chair of foreign languages for technical specialties scientific conference of the higher school information technologies was held and energy drinks on the subject "New generation-New innovation" which chairman was Turtayeva R. N. At conference 42 students participated. Reports of students were listened by the commission as a part of which: the senior teachers of chair of foreign languages for technical specialties of Ashimov T.S, Eszhanova L.Sh the teacher Nazarova A.N. By results of scientific conference on the 2nd round 19 students were carried out. On 1 place the student of IP-15-5r group Sharip Z., which research supervisor Turtayeva R. N. was awarded. On the 2nd place were awarded the student of group SM-15-6r Erimbetova K. which research supervisor Mamekova S. K. and student of IP-15-7r group Nurakhmet M. which research supervisor Turtayeva R. N. On the 3rd place were awarded the student of group MMG-15-1k1 Zhumakhanbet D. which research supervisor Aytbekova Zh.N. and student of IP-15-6r group Udalov D. which research supervisor Merekeeva A.Zh. Students treated conference from the scientific point of view and acted very actively, works were really interesting. 


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