Information and communication technologies

     The 21st Century is an epoch of information society era, technological culture, the environment, human

health, professional culture. A striking example is the United Nations resolution entitled "The 21st Century Information Awareness". Fortunately, nowadays our country is entering a new stage in which the main symbol of the scientific and technological breakthrough is to inform the public.

        The First President of the country, N.Nazarbayev, in his Message to the New Kazakhstan in the New World, emphasized the country's coverage of ICT with the best models and assigned a number of tasks to the relevant organizations. In this Transcript, the Head of the State said:

"We need to achieve quality education across the country at the world standards level".

         The field of information technology is one of the key moments of our time. Because now all of us need new technologies and demand is high.

         The South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov "in the High School of Information Technology and Power Engineering prepares professionals who meet the modern requirements of the world.

        There will be no child in the future who will dream of having a great profession. The profession is the love and happiness of every human being, his early future. Everyone has to choose the right profession. The choice of profession requires great responsibility. We invite all graduates to choose the right one!













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