Formation of a student consciousness under the programme “Ruhani Zhangyru”
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24.01.19 at 20 o'clock in the student residence No. 3 the seminar training with students there was held by living. Students of 1-4 courses of various specialties gathered. The meeting was held by the senior teacher, Candidate of Technical Sciences in Technological Sciences Chimkentbaeva R. M. "Energetics and renewable energy system" chair.
It was told about importance of knowledge of, that work on itself represents the main way to development and to improvement. Need of students for the highest professional institutions for self-improvement on purpose formation of the personality finds the print in an image “I — ideal professional” and becomes motive in work on itself. Proceeding from the fact that the source of professional self-improvement of students is in a social environment, driving forces of this process should be looked for in the personality. The person as the personality himself always independently lays the unique, individual way, defines sense of the life and its trajectory.
Efficiency of self-improvement of students considerably will increase if from their party enough efforts at a stage of self-checking and self-correction are made. The essence of their activity at this stage is that they control work on themselves, constantly hold it in the field of the consciousness and on this basis in due time establish or prevent possible rejections of the realized program of self-improvement from set, planned, introduce the corresponding amendments in the plan of further work. For this purpose teachers of university recommend to the pupils to make plans, schedules, to keep diaries in which by method of the self-report to reflect contents, kind of work over itself. Thus, self-improvement can be considered as the interaction derivative at some point internal (personal) characteristics and external factors (factors of a social environment) leading to emergence of positive potential of development of students.