The role of batyrs in the history of Kazakhs

November 22, 2018 in the group IP-18-6k1 was an open curatorial hour on the theme: "The role of batyrs in the history of Kazakhs", dedicated to the 420 anniversary of the birth of Karasai Batyr.This event was organized in the framework of the national future program, which is reflected in the article of the President N. Nazarbayev "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe". All seven facets of the great steppe is a unique heritage in the life of the Kazakh people. In the period of globalization, knowledge, promotion and preservation of the culture and values of national history are the direct guarantee of strengthening the country. Of course, the proposals of the head of state aimed at the revival of historical consciousness, which will be a continuation of the program of "Spiritual modernization", will contribute to the strengthening of our state.

The main purpose of the educational event-to provide information about the famous heroes of the Kazakh people; to acquaint with the life and deeds of the heroes of the people; to instill love for the Motherland, Patriotic education, to instill respect for the history of his people.

The educational event was attended by teachers of the Department Computer engineering and software, senior curator of HS ITandE Elmira Kulenova, senior curators of higher school departments.

During the event, students were performed dedication "Edification of descendants", to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate were shown scenes about batyrs, performed Patriotic songs "I am Kazakh!» "Fatherland". In addition, quizzes on knowledge of proverbs and biography of Kazakh batyrs "who is faster" and "Do you know?".


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