Excursion in Hakem Abay museum

Students of group of  IP-17-4k2 and curator of group Shinibekova R. A. passed an excursion in Hakem Abay museum.

The museum Hakem Abay was open on September 22, 2009 in the park of Abay Shymkent. The museum, devoted to the ingenious thinker Abayyu Kunanbayev it was open at the initiative of the akim of the Southern Kazakhstan area Askar Myrzakhmetov. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev. arrived to the opening ceremony of the museum of Hakem Abay and acted as the first visitor, N. A. Nazarbayev got acquainted with the opened museum and gave a positive assessment. Also at a ceremony the akim of area, heads of the cities, representatives of the intellectuals, workers of the sphere of culture and scientists-abayevedy took part.

To recognize the great poet, the genius of poetry of Abay, reading to understand - one step of a ladder leading to the spiritual height which is easily inaccessible to mankind. About Hakem Abaye the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev told: "Abay - has to be our national slogan". Showing to Abay, we show Kazakhstan to the world and we show the Kazakh people. It is better for my children and my future descendants, than Abay, is more significant than Abay, it should not be more sacred than Abay". This word has to be the sacred principle which has to be in the center of all Kazakh children.

In the museum the poetic heritage of Abay is widely propagandized. For expansion of an outlook of youth about Abay, increases in sense of patriotism among youth, strengthenings of the Kazakhstan spiritual unity, comprehensive understanding and respect of Abay, reading works of noble treasures, explanations of viability and the importance of its verses, familiarizing with knowledge, friendship and unity, the tour was conducted.

The museum is devoted to life and works of the great Kazakh poet and philosopher, public figure of Abay Kunanbayev. The museum occupies the small room. In it the archival documents, photos, ethnographic exhibits, books and periodicals, manuscripts connected with the periods of life of Hakem Abay are collected. Literary works of Abay and its followers, and also their translations into different languages of the world are presented. In the museum there are a lot of original things of the Kazakh life of the XIX century. Some exhibits were transferred to the Shymkent museum by the Republican museum of Abay Kunanbayev.

At students after the excursion opened even more interest in Abay studying discipline, and further to study the poet of Abay Kunanbayev.


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