"Development of information society in spiritual revival"

     According to the program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev “Future orientation: the spiritual revival”, an event was held in 5.10.2018. on the theme " Development of information society in spiritual revival". Event was organized by the Department of “Information and Communication Technologies”. During the event, students read a report on this topic and patriotic songs.The report emphasized that the development of spiritual revival in the information society in the modern world is becoming more and more obvious, and students note that they will contribute to further development. Student Group of AP 18-2K2 Omar Perizat read next verse:

Елдігім өзгелерден ерік деп бір

Жалынды жастарымды зерек деп біл

Ақпараттар ағымын асқақтатып

Рухани жаңғыруың керек боп тұр.

Арман ойлар алдынбас алашаққа

Батыл бағдар жетелер болашаққа

Ақпараттар ағымы алға жылжып

Біз жетеміз жарқын бір болашаққа

The event was openly by Saribaev A. detached for research and development of the IT and E higher school 

Students performed a scene, song and dance related to spiritual revival

Speech was from the department of spiritual revival Tapalov Dysenbek Zhanibekovich

At the end of event, head of the department Gulzat Turysbekovna Dzhusupbekova spoke and thanked to students for their active participation with a letter of thanks

The event attended by members of the department of spiritual renewal, heads of departments and teachers of the department and active students


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(8-725-2) 40-08-99

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