Participation of students in the International Engineering Championship

        01.06.2018g. In Moscow, the 6th International CASE-IN Engineering Championship, which was attended by 500 students from 55 technical universities of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic. The finalists represented the idea behind the experimental community of top-energy and mineral-raw materials complexes. The project was developed in the Arctic region of Russia in six regions: geologist, mining, metallurgy, oil and gas industry, petrochemical industry and electric power industry. At the 6th International CASE-IN ENGINEERING CHAMPIONSHIP "CASE-IN" was a group of students from group IB-15-4R Abdullaev Agali, Alexander Boronin, Gorbachev Dmitry, Meldebekov Mardan, senior lecturer Chairs "IENES" Ilyasova R.M. Our students have made a trip to the current championship, when they went to the regional tour, to the online mode.

Scene of the International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN"

           The International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" is the largest practice-oriented competition in Russia and the CIS countries by solving engineering cases among university students, schoolchildren and young professionals. 5000 future engineers became participants of the project, more than 1000 representatives of the companies of the fuel and energy complex and the Moscow Committee of the Russian Federation acted as experts.

The Championship is held in the format of a team competition to solve engineering cases devoted to real production problems and developed on the basis of materials from industry enterprises. The decisions of the participants are evaluated by an expert commission with the participation of representatives of government bodies, leading companies, universities and branch scientific and educational centers.


Head Ilyasov RM and students of the group IP-15-4R for the opening of the international

engineering championship CASE-IN


Students of the IP-15-4R group on case protection at Korston Hotel

        The final "CASE-IN" became a grandiose intellectual battle and the largest youth Students of the group IP-15-4R Abdullaev Agali, Boronin Alexander, Gorbachev Dmitry, Meldebekov Mardan received the certificate of the finalists of the student league of the International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" in the direction "Power Engineering". A letter of thanks was given to the head of the team Ilyasov RM. for their active participation. Also noted with thank-you letters for active help and fruitful cooperation in the organization of the International Engineering Championship Vice-rector for UiMR Baibolov KS, Dean of the Higher School "IT & E" Besbayev GA, acting. Head of the Department "EiNES" Berdalieva AA, senior lecturer Ovchinnikov VA and teacher Faiz N.

      We congratulate students on the victory in the VI International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" and wish them technical and creative success.


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