Meeting with graduates
Head of the сhair of "Information and Communication Technologies" G.S. Jussupbekova, senior lecturers Zhailaubayev N.M., Kydyrbekova A.S., Kolboyev B.R., Rakhymbek N.Zh., Sambetova R.A. went within the framework of orientation in professional activities "The Last Bell" in secondary school № 80 and № 82. Aim of the event is to provide students with professional leadership in the process of identify their own identity and supporting the selection of future professional activities. Teachers of the chair of “Information and Communication Technologies” told the graduates about the specialty of the Higher School of “Information Technologies and Energy”, which requires a high level of responsibility. Congratulations to all graduates of schools with the completion of school and wish them good luck in UNT and wish them success in a prestigious higher education institution.
Head of the Chair of "Information and Communication Technologies" G.S. Jussupbekova
with graduates №80 School
Lecturer of the chair N.M. Zhailaubayev with graduates of Ordabasy region
With graduates №82 School