Scientific and methodological seminar of the Department of EiNES

Scientific and methodological seminar of the Department of EiNES.


Since the beginning of January, when students have winter holidays at the faculty of the EiNES department, there is a time free from classes. This time, when all the teachers can come together to discuss any problems, as a rule, they use the chair effectively. So from January 4 to 11, the Scientific and Methodological Seminar was held at the EiNES Department, in which each member of the teaching staff spoke with methodological problems of teaching their disciplines, as well as with new developments in scientific activity.

Based on the results of the research, Ilyasov RM, assistant professor, made a presentation on the new approach to the development of a device for accumulating electric power in large volumes with a capacity of up to 10 MWh.

The rest of the teachers shared information on methods to activate the process of teaching certain disciplines and the forms of conducting classes.

So the senior teacher Ovchinnikov VA. made a report on the topic - the application of Matlab and its components in the study of the discipline "Renewable sources of electricity", the senior teacher Muratova K.A. shared her experience of using the concept of  SMART GRID with the use of IT technology in the study of the discipline "Electricity Savings in the Electric Power Industry", Head of the Chair Berdalieva AA spoke about the problems of engineering education in the electric power industry, the teacher Faiz NS, emphasizing the importance of trilingualism in the Higher School, paid special attention to aspects of the use of English in the teaching of electrical disciplines. All made interesting reports, while discussing reports some teachers were recommended new approaches for more effective implementation of their goals.

The final session was attended by the dean of the Higher School of ITE Besbayev GA, who thanked the Chair for active participation in the seminar and business discussion of the issues. Later, the members of the department decided to use the inter-semester interval for the scientific and methodological seminar of the department

Speech by Associate Professor Ilyasov RM


Dean of the Higher School Besbayev G.A.


Speech Shinibekova R.A.


Speech Ovchinnikov V.A.


Speech by E.M. Orymbetov


Speech by A. Berdalieva


Speech by Muratova K.A.


Speech by Fayz N.


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