Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war.

On November 30 at 12:50n the 504G auditorium was held an open curatorial hour on the theme "Ер есімі-ел есінде", with the participation of students of groups IP-14-4к1 and ИП-14-4к2 (curators Muratova KA and Apsemetova AT .). The curatorial hour was held according to the schedule of the educational work of the department, in the format of patriotic education of the youth. In connection with this, a veteran of the Afghan war Otuuli Rahimzhan Makhambetuly was invited to attend the curatorial hour. He is a Knight of the Order of Merit, "From the grateful Afghan people", "Red Star", the medal "For Courage" and others. He told the students of the 4th year that, at the age of 19, he went to an unfamiliar country to fulfill his duty to the Fatherland. He told about how they made their way in the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan, fighting the dushmans. Students asked many questions about life, about politics, and received detailed answers. In addition, the meeting was attended by the senior curator of the University of Kulenova E., the main specialist in educational work SKSU Chernyavskaya NA. and senior curator Kulmakhanova I.K.


The students received unforgettable impressions from the meeting with the veteran of the Afghan war.


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