«Болашаққа бағдар: Рухани жаңғару»

 In Department of «Information communication» was going the 21th Inter-Faculty Scientific Student Conference " Болашаққа бағдар: Рухани жаңғару " in 23 of November.

The conference was attended by students from different faculties. The conference was divided into 12 sections, scientific reports were in Kazakh, in Russian and in English. Each report was accompanied by a small discussion, during which people could ask questions, get exhaustive answers, as well as express their views on the problem of interest to them. The best reports were marked by letters of commendation.

 From the list of discussed reports prize places were determined and rewarded by the decision of the teachers' committee of the department.

1 - places

Әbutulip G. EP-17-7k2

Scientific adviser: Aykhynbai K. - Senior teacher

Topic: Robotics

2 places

Zhienbekov Zh. IP-17-5k1

Scientific adviser: Dzhusupbekova GT - Ph.D.

Topic: Bitcoin

 2 places

Әbduli І. ИП-17-5к1

Scientific adviser: Dzhusupbekova GT - Ph.D.

Topic: Egov.kz

2 places

Shynbergen M. AP-17-8k1

Scientific adviser: Aykhynbai K. - Senior teacher

Theme of the report: Flash

3 places

Nasyr A. AP-17-8k1

Supervisor: Mombekova S. - Senior teacher

Topic: Fan "Philips"

3 places

Makhambetov B. AP-17-4t

Scientific adviser: Rakhymbek N. - Senior teacher

Topic: Automation of the process of recording a speech.

3 places

Nazarayasim Ө. AP-17-3k

Scientific adviser Sambetova R. - teacher

Topic: Web site.

3 places

Berdali B. HT-17-5t of the current student.

Scientific adviser: Shaimerdenova G.- teacher

 Topic: Smart technologies


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