Participation of M. Auezov SKSU at the Symposium on the energy direction of University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Beijing (PRC)in 2017
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The Symposium on the energy direction of University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Beijing (PRC) was held on September 24-27, 2017.
The symposium on the energy direction of the university SCO in 2017 is aimed at deepening cooperation in the field of education between the energetic universities-members of SCO University, on the search for training regimes for innovative personnel, on deepening research cooperation, on organizations, young scientists' camps, summer camps, teacher training and other events.
Our university was represented by the delegation headed by the rector of the University MyrkhalykovZh.U.: vice-rector for SD and IT Baibolov K.S., dean of the Higher School of Information Technologies and Energetics Besbayev G.A., acting head of the department "Energetics and non-traditional energetic systems" Berdalieva A.A. at the Symposium.
The Rector of our University delivered a welcoming speech at the Symposium.
Within the framework of the Symposium, our delegation were signed: "An agreement on the joint training of qualified personnel on the coordinated educational programs for the preparation of masters in the direction“Energetics” "within the framework of the University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization with North China Electric Power University (" Huadian ") and M. AuezovSouth Kazakhstan State University, the Agreement on the joint training of qualified personnel on the coordinated educational programs for the preparation of masters in the direction "Energetics" within the framework of the University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization with Chinese University of Oil (CUO) and M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.
The moment of signing of the Agreement by Van Zsinpin and MyrkhalykovZh.U.
At the signing ceremony of the Agreement with North China Electric Power University
The ceremony of signing the agreement at Chinese University of Oil
At the Symposium, Dean of the Higher School of Information Technologies and EnergeticsBesbayev G.А. and acting head of the Department of Energetics and Non-traditional Energetic Systems was awarded with certificate of appointment as an expert of the brain centerof the University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the field of energy.
Presentation by the rector of North China Electric Power University Wang Zenpin of the appointment of an expert of the brain center of the University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the field of energy Dean of the High School and E Besbaev G.A. and acting head of the Department of E and NES Berdalieva A.A.
The purpose of the trip of our delegation and the signed agreements is to help our university strengthen academic cooperation in the field of scientific research, quality assurance of education, institutional development, dissemination of information and exchange of students and scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of energetics.
For undergraduates of the speciality 6M071800- Power engineering, the opportunities are open to study one semester or one year depending on the program, get a transcript or double diploma, at North China Electric Power University, at Chinese University of Oil. Of course, to study at these universities you need to know English at a good level or Chinese. Training in joint programs will give a great chance for successful employment, career growth, a sense of energy trends in our rapidly changing times, active participation in the global processes taking place in the power industry.