Students’ scientific conference «New Horizons of EXPO 2017»

On the 17th of November in the chair of foreign languages for technical specialties of the higher school information technologies was held a scientific conference on the subject «New Horizons of EXPO 2017 » and chairman was Turtayeva R. N. 55 students were participated at the conference. Reports of the students were listened by the members of commission: the senior teachers of chair of foreign languages for technical specialties of Мusalieva М.О , Mаmеkova S.К и  Еgеmberdi  А.А. According to the results of scientific conference on the 2nd tour were carried out 20 students. The 1 place took the student of the group IP-16-4r Аmаnkeldi Аida, whose research supervisor is Mаmеkova S.К . The 2nd place took the student of group ХТ-16-1r Zulpharova Diana whose research supervisor is Turtayeva R. N. and student of group IP-16-8r Galiev Radmir , whose research supervisor is Merekeeva A. Zh. The 3rd place took the student of group IP-16-6k Tursunova  Iroda  whose research supervisor is Mambetova G.Т., and

student of group ММГ-16-1р  Zhumahan Zh., whose research supervisor is Nazarova  А.N.,and student of group ХТ-16-5к2 Korganbayeva  А. whose research supervisor is Тоrebek  D.О.    Students treated the conference from the scientific point of view and actively participated, works were really interesting.


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