In November 2016 it marked the 15th anniversary of the opening of the South-Kazakhstan regional museum of victims of political repression. In honor of the date of the event was held in the museum, which was attended by a students of group IP-15-3k2 IP-16-4k1 and IP-14-7k1. Active participation in the event was senior curator of HS Zh.Nyshanbayeva, senior curator of the department "Energy and alternative energy systems" I.Kulmahanova, senior curator of the department of "Information Systems" E.Kulenova, curator of IP-14-7k1 group B.Makazhanov. The program of the event were staged scenes from the life of the Kazakh intelligentsia in the years of repression. There were presented interesting reports, poems. Piercing sound dombyra. After an open event students a tour of the museum was held.