At the university has been heldthe workshop on exchange of experience of a technique of teaching

30.04.2016  at the university SKSU M. Auezov at the high school of "Information Technologies and Energetics", the chair “English languages for technical specialties ” has been held  the workshop on exchange of experience of teaching on the topic  "Imparting Learning while Building Confidence & Potential" devoted to 70th r anniversary of candidate of philological sciences, associate professor K.T.Ospanova.

30.03.2016 in the workshop with the qualified teachers took partwith a long teaching standing and the young purposeful staff of four departments of English of SKSU M. Auezov, and also South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute.Invited to the workshopK.T.Ospanova held a master class, sharing the experience of her teaching work, and the experience obtained in the near and far abroad.Progressive-minded teachers extensively discussed the issue of teaching methods "professionally-oriented foreign language" using innovative teaching methods.At the end of the workshop an  associate professor K.T.Ospanova prize-winner of many international scholarships who has visited many countries such as the USA, the UK, Cyprus, France, Germany, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, drawing on her vast experience as a the teacher  showed and explained the ways of  achieving high goals accomplished by using a slide show on the theme "on the dusty paths of different countries are printed tracesof SKSU ". During the workshop it became clear that the real work does not go unnoticed. We heartily congratulate Kan associate professor.T.Ospanovawith her anniversary and wish her all the best. 


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