The seminar was conducted by the leading foreign professor D.P.Karaivanov, a young scientist at the Higher School of «IT and E» at the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

On December 12, 2023, PhD, Associate Professor of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Sofia, Bulgaria) D.P.Karaivanov held a seminar with young scientists of the Higher School of Information Technology and Energy on the topic: "Some features and problems in the preparation and publication of articles in journals with impact factor" in the 504 auditorium of the building.
During the seminar, Professor D.P.Karaivanov showed a presentation on the topic of the seminar and focused the attention of young scientists on some nuances when writing scientific articles in peer-reviewed international journals with an impact factor (Scopus, Thomson Reuters-Clarivate), highlighted the main points affecting the increase in the Hirsch index.
Young scientists are provided with a sufficient amount of data on the topic of the seminar, meeting modern trends and requirements of science. This topic is modern, presented in an up-to-date interpretation, touching on the main issues in the field of writing scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Young scientists showed interest in the procedure for publishing articles in foreign journals; scientists who listened to the material of the professor's presentation at such a high level showed high interest in the topic of the seminar, contributing to the formation of the necessary knowledge for the scientific activities of the department and the university.


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