Open lesson on the “Future simple passive” theme.
- Нұрмағанбет Саян Досжанұлы
- Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 241
April 20, 2023 Senior Lecturer of the "Foreign language for technical specialties" chair Mamekova S.K. held an open lesson with the students of ZhT 22-3k1 group on the “Future simple passive” theme.In the lesson, the senior lecturer included 4 skills of teaching a foreign language: "Reading", "Speaking", "Writing", "Listening". The used steps were: introduction; phonetic drill, new vocabulary; explanation of a new theme using a video lesson, independent work with cards, online group work; reading related to the lesson's theme, listening to the text on the lesson's theme, oral answers to questions. The communicative method, the practical method and the method of information and communication technologies, as well as new innovative methods were used. In order to develop 4 skills of students and increase their activity, cards, a textbook, an interactive whiteboard, a laptop, the Internet were used.
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