Оpen lesson on the topic "The Geographical location of Kazakhstan.Cities of Kazakhstan’’
- Нұрмағанбет Саян Досжанұлы
- Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 280
On 14 December, 2022, the senior teacher of the department of "Foreign Language for Technical Specialties" Musalieva M.O. held an open lesson on the topic "The Geographical location of Kazakhstan.Cities of Kazakhstan’’ with students of the group СМ-22-5к15.
The teacher used interactive and innovative methods such as "matching words and phrases" during the lesson. With the help of an interactive whiteboard, video material was shown corresponding to the text of the lesson, a discussion was held in a foreign language, and the level of understanding of students was checked. Developed students' speech activity (monologue, dialogue), increased mental activity by asking questions, encouraged creativity.