The faith in order to increase the religious literacy
- Нұрмағанбет Саян Досжанұлы
- Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 283
On 24.11.2022, students of HT-21-11tk and IP-22-7k2 groups held an event dedicated to education, science, and faith in order to increase the religious literacy of young people.
The senior teacher of the department "Foreign languages for technical specialties" attended the special event. Makulbek Azamat Bolatbekuly, head of the department "Technology of inorganic and petrochemical production" Altybaev J.M., Ph.D., professor Beisenbaeva A.U., senior teacher of the "Department of Philosophy" Bimenov Kairat Tleubergenuly and special guest of the "Chingisbai Haji" mosque imam Arystanov Bekzhan Zhanabayuly was invited. At the event, a conversation was held about turning to moral education.