
New Generation

On the 12th-13th of April 2016 at the Chair: "Foreign Languages for Technical specialties" students’ competition was held under the title “New Generation”. Students of the first courses of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Textile and Food Engineering, Information Technologies and Energetics Higher Schools and Building and Transport, Mechanics and Oil and gas Faculties took part at this Olympiad.

The goal: to check students’ level of English language: horizon widening on different specialties, fluent thoughts’ pronouncement, students’ inventiveness and ingenuity in given situations, developing of communicative skills. There were two tours:

The first tour:

  1. Quick Questions about Great Britain.
  2. Through the game “Own Game” students showed their knowledge about Great Britain and English Speaking Countries.
  3. Guessed rebuses, found English equivalents to Russian proverbs.
  4. Captains’ competition.
  5. Answered to the questions about Kazakhstan in the game «The leader of the XXI century ».
  6. Trough the listening filled the words of the popular song.

The second tour:

  1. Made up stories ending with the given sentences.
  2. Proved the necessity and the actuality of the chosen specialties.
  3. Guessed the riddles.
  4. Made up poems starting with the given words.
  5. Captains’ competition.
  6. Answered on various questions in “Auction” game.

By the decision of the committee members unanimously top places were awarded the teams showing the best level of knowledge in English language, resource and imagination in the given situations and mastered good language skills.

The first place took the students of the “Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology” Higher School

Бакибаева Э. ХТ 15-5р

Стрельцов С. ХТ 15-5р

Умбаров Р. ХТ 15-7р

Пахриддинов Д. ХТ 15-7р

Отемисов А. ХТ 15-5к2

Кошкарова Ж. ХТ 15-5к2

The second place took the students of the “Textile and Food Engineering” Higher School

Смайыл А. ЖТ 15-2р

Иманбердиева А. ЖТ 15-3р

Махмудова Ш. Жт 15-3р

Касымбекова Л. ЖТ 15-3р

Темирберди М. ЖТ 15-4р

Акешов А. ЖТ 15-2к1

The third place took the students of the “Information Technologies and Energetics” Higher School

Жумадуллаева К. ИП 15-3р

Горбачев Д. ИП 15-3р

Нургазиев Б. ИП 15-4р

Шермагамбет М. ИП 15-4р

Магзум Н. ИП 15-7р

Шарип З. ИП 15-5р

The rest of the students were awarded for active participation. The Student Olympiad achieved the goal.

Responsible for: senior lecturer – S.K. Mamekova, lecturer – S.N. Kozhanov, lecturer – A.N. Nazarova

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