On 08.10.2024, associate professor of the Department of "Energyand Renewable EnergySystems"FaizNursultanSaparulugave an interview to journalists of the domestic TV channels"ElArna","Khabar","24kz" aspart of a guestlectureon the topic"Application of new technologies atnuclear power plants".
Thefollowingquestionswereansweredduring the interview.
- Prospects for furtherdevelopment of nuclear power plants
- The use of digitaltwinsin the operation of nuclearreactorsinrealtime
- The scope of application of moderntechnologiesin the processingandstorage of nuclearwaste
- Answers were receivedtoquestionsabout the subsequenttraining of specialistsinthisbranch of the industryandotheranswers to thequestionsposed.