

On 08.10.2024, associate professor of the Department of "Energyand Renewable EnergySystems"FaizNursultanSaparulugave an interview to journalists of the domestic TV channels"ElArna","Khabar","24kz" aspart of a guestlectureon the topic"Application of new technologies atnuclear power plants".

Thefollowingquestionswereansweredduring the interview.

  1. Prospects for furtherdevelopment of nuclear power plants
  2. The use of digitaltwinsin the operation of nuclearreactorsinrealtime
  3. The scope of application of moderntechnologiesin the processingandstorage of nuclearwaste
  4. Answers were receivedtoquestionsabout the subsequenttraining of specialistsinthisbranch of the industryandotheranswers to thequestionsposed.

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