
"Is it right to celebrate Valentine's Day, or not?"

Students UKGU name M.Auezov Graduate School "Information Technology and Energy" will be organized a round table and debate on the topic "Is it right to celebrate Valentine's Day, or not?", Which will 12.02.2016goda at 10:00, in the main building, "Mangilik ate "254 cab.
The purpose of this event is to create the right image of youth thinking about society, solving the most important problems of young people, based on their way of thinking, to uphold the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On state support of youth policy."

Debate will take place in Lincoln Douglas and the US-parliamentary format. The above formats are currently widespread and convenient for debate. This debate will be attended by the center "Akikat" speakers and activists of the Graduate School "Information Technology and energy." special composition "Akikat" main centers will be organized.

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